New login to Twitter from Firefox on Linux
Review blocked sign-in attempt
Review blocked sign-in-attempt

Review blocked sign-in attempt

Hi xyz,
Google just blocked someone from signing into your Google Account mohandast52@gmail.com from an app that may put your account at risk.

Don't recognize this activity?

If you didn't recently receive an error while trying to access a Google service, like Gmail, from a non-Google application, someone may have your password.

Are you the one who tried signing in?

Google will continue to block sign-in attempts from the app you're using because it has known security problems or is out of date. You can continue to use this app by allowing access to less secure apps, but this may leave your account vulnerable.

The Google Accounts team

*The location is approximate and determined by the IP address it was coming from. This email can't receive replies. For more information, visit the Google Accounts Help Center.